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ASJA Directors
The American Salers Junior Association (ASJA) has a governing board of seven junior directors.
The ASJA Board provides youth the opportunity to gain experience holding leadership positions. Officers are elected at the Junior National Show and include ASJA members who represent the association on both state and national levels. It is the responsibility of the board to represent the ASA to the best of its ability, to provide assistance at ASJA and ASA events, as well as to be the voice of the ASJA membership.
ASJA Board of Directors
President: Olivia Prunty, Iowa
Vice President: Kaileen Dohrman, Missouri
Secretary: Iris Peterson, Iowa
Treasurer: Landon Liebhart, Missouri
Social Media Representative: Chloe Voet, Kansas
Director: Wyatt Pastour, Iowa
Board Advisors: Tammy Burkybile & Megan Geffert